Production Blog
Welcome back Blog! What I am going to do in order to get my commercial made is that I am going to try to find many photos and videos I can put. For the commercial, I will mostly use old pictures of myself. I am going to find my old phone or my old google account. I also have photos around my house that I may use. To produce my commercial I'm going to first generate an idea of how I'm going to put together the commercial. I planned out a schedule of when I'm going to start doing my commercial. Doing this I'm starting a production process. I am making a schedule to stay as organized as possible. Also, to prevent me from rushing through this. Then, I'm also going to start having an idea of what I am going to do throughout the commercial. Also, I'm going to target certain points in my commercial. Since I've already started out a plan, I am soon going to do the commercial. I may use videos of myself in the commercial. During the production, I'm going to start little by little to not disorganize myself. I am going to use this method throughout the production of the commercial. I will probably start filming this week. I still do not know how I'm going to edit my commercial. Though I have been planning out an idea of how I'm going to edit my commercial. Also, my schedule is somewhat finished. So far I feel the production of the commercial is strong.
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