Group Blog for FT

 Hello blog, I am going to be working with Sofia Borjas for my final task. I chose to work with Sofia as I worked with her before for the Music Video. I decided to work with her again as I worked really well with her. She managed her time really well last time. I feel that working together for the final task will be well for me and her. I am glad I will be working with her again. I feel her skills can make this task easier for the both of us. Sofia and I have a really good relationship so this can benefit us. Both of our skills can benefit her and I. Sofia can communicate well with everything so this really helps us. Communication is key when working on any project. I decided to choose a person that I know will do their work and will not slack off. I chose to work with her because I believe I can work with her well as she is very hard working. She also manages her time well. I feel like the both of us can get a lot of work done together, and learn from each other's ideas. Her and I have worked with each other on different subjects and it has turned out successful. I feel like her and I can work together very well. Sofia is also very smart and works well. Overall, I feel that I made the right choice in working with her. She and I can learn from each other.



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