Peer Review Blog: Final Task

 Hello Blog! For this blog I had someone review my opening sequence and they gave me their critiques. The main critique they gave was that they felt I put too much sound effects. The reason why I put many sound effects so that the audience can feel as though they are in the film as well. I also feel as though since my film is a suspense many films that are also suspense also have too many sound effects. That was my reason why I chose to put in as many sound effects as I can. The other critique this person gave me was that they felt as though it felt too fast. Me and My group mate wanted to include more of the plot but we ran out of time. So we did have to remove a chunk of it so that it fits into the maximum time length we can have. So I do agree with that critique as I watched back the plot felt as though it was missing something. Over all, I listened to all the critiques the person gave me and I learned more throughout. I am glad someone else critiqued my opening sequence as I was sort of nervous how other people will view it. Now I know how other people will feel when viewing my final task and I feel great about it. If I could I would include more into the opening sequence but I unfortunately cannot, though it is still good throughout. The sound effects are something I can fix. Though, I feel as though I should keep it on because it fits on well. The sound effects are the key in the final task, they as though suits the final task perfectly. I will also keep it on as it is a convention in the suspense genre. That is why I am keeping the sound effects in the opening sequence. Over all that was all the critiques given to me. I will continue on learning more about this. 


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